On March 15, Pennsylvania Governor Wolf announced the lifting of some targeted restrictions on restaurants, businesses, and gathering limits as COVID-19 cases have declined and vaccination rates increase. Effective April 4:

  • Restaurants may resume bar service
  • The 11 p.m. curfew for serving alcohol will be lifted
  • Alcohol service will be allowed without the purchase of food
  • Indoor dining capacity will increase to 75% for restaurants who self-certify and to 50% for those who do not
  • Capacity for personal service facilities, gyms, and entertainment venues (theaters, casinos, malls) will increase to 75%
  • Indoor event capacity will increase to 25% of maximum occupancy, regardless of venue size
  • Outdoor event capacity will increase to 50% of maximum occupancy, regardless of venue size
  • Events may be held at maximum occupancy if attendees can maintain social distance

Mask-wearing, social distancing, and business adherence to safety orders will still be required.

Philadelphia city officials are reviewing the changes to the statewide restrictions and will determine whether to ease restrictions based on local conditions.